OrG health

90% of what holds organizations back is not due to strategy. It is due to internal factors. Innovation will be the key driver that will get you ahead as competition stiffens. It is imperative that your organization is fully functional and healthy to compete and secure the future. Thriving organizations align their strengths, capabilities and mindset to maximize performance, accelerate time to market, and unleash the next era of innovation. Healthy organizations foster high performing teams and often indicative of a creative, productive, and engaged workforce

I work with leaders to ensure their organizations are equipped and prepared for their annual physicals by doing the following:

  • Organization Architecture

  • Organizational Diagnosis & Assessments

  • Operationalize Strategy

  • Change & Transition Management

  • Manager and Leader capability


Everything rises or falls on leadership. Your business will not rise above the capability of its leaders. For accelerated growth, it is essential that the right leaders are aligned and lock-step with the strategy and mindset required to beat the competition and lead in the marketplace. I can help your team in the following areas

  • Build a cohesive leadership team and improve team dynamics

  • Establish a high trust performing team

  • Strategic clarity & alignment with leaders and stakeholders

  • Improve performance through individualized coaching

  • Deliver keynotes, organize training sessions, and workshops for the next generation of leaders


In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous marketplace, organizations have a perpetual need to change or risk being irrelevant. Your business has a culture whether it’s intended or not, and that culture can enable or derail your growth. High performing cultures attract like minds and that’s why you have to be intentional about your culture. I can help your organization accelerate it’s cultural transformation by:

  • Culture evaluation and diagnosis

  • Culture Activation

  • Culture Operationalization

  • Culture Management Tool Kit

  • Culture Refresh

Whether you are just starting to define your organization’s culture or trying to evolve it, your culture can become a competitive advantage. Almost everything else can be bought except your culture. It is time to leverage your culture as your differentiator in the marketplace. I can help.